Adria Flood and Drought Risk Mitigation System

Year registered: 2020
3SI countries proposing the project:


Participating 3SI countries:

Croatia, Greece

Partner countries:

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Italy, Montenegro

* not part of the 3Seas Initiative
Main objectives:

Establishment of a platform for efficient risk management of Adriatic Sea and related Drainage Adriatic River Basins for secure water supply and food production with emphasis on efficient risk management related to flood/drought, transport and seismic hazards.

The establishment of the platform needs:

  • preparation of legal basis and adoption of the Framework Agreement among related countries,
  • establishment and management of IT system,
  • establishment and adoption of a memorandum for financing of management, updating and maintenance of the IT system.
Short description:

To assure water supply and food production security in the region which is very exposed to climate change (Mediterranean) next activities are foreseen:

  1. Establishment of a common system for hydrological monitoring in Adria River Basins with spatial database of existing infrastructure, which provides and assures secure water supply and food production.

  2. Monitoring of Adriatic Sea dynamics and its connection to Adria River Basins hydrology for comprehensive Adria Flood and Drought Risk Mitigation System (AdriaRIMIS).

  3. Interlinkage of the AdriaRIMIS with marine transport monitoring system for pollution risk mitigation as consequences of eventual marine accidents.

  4. Coordination of seismic monitoring systems in Adriatic River Basins (seismically very active area where Adriatic Plate is colliding with Eurasian Plate) what will significantly improve planning and management of urban areas and infrastructure which interlinks countries of Adriatic Sea.

For successful project implementation experiences in the process of establishment of the International Sava River Basin Commission (with its legal, financial and working groups framework) and its Sava Flood Warning System will be considered in detail.

Calendar of implementation:
  • Month 1 to month 9 - 12

    Milestone 1: Preparation of legal basis and adoption of the Framework Agreement among related countries.

    Description: communication, meetings, drafts of the agreement, agreement and adoption.

  • Month 1 to month 36

    Milestone 2: Establishment and management of IT system.

    Description: research of existing systems, needs for improvements in IT and modelling, system design, competencies for coordination/management/ maintenance, system establishment, testing, trainings, start of the system.

  • Month 24 to month 36

    Milestone 3: Establishment and adoption of a memorandum for financing of management, updating and maintenance of the IT system.

    Description: Communication, meetings, drafts of the agreement, agreement and adoption.


Total: 10.500.000 €

Financing sources:
National funding
Other EU funding