Amber Rail Freight Corridor

Year registered: 2018
3SI countries proposing the project:


Participating 3SI countries:

Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia

Partner countries:

* not part of the 3Seas Initiative
Main objectives:

Facilitation of cross-border rail freight traffic.

Short description:

The corridor establishment brings the connection between Adriatic seaports in the Republic of Slovenia and inland ports on the Danube in Hungary and the Slovak Republic, but it brings also the perspective of railway transport development with Republic of Serbia and the improvement of the railway transport in the Europe – Asia direction.

Rail Freight Corridors are a capacity-offering projects, not to be mistaken with infrastructure projects.

Contact person:

Mrs Weronika Karbowiak, Deputy Director of the Strategy Department, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., e-mail:

Calendar of implementation:
  • 2016-2017

    Planning phase - Routing of the corridor is planned and agreed between Infrastructure managers

  • 2017-2019

    Implementation phase - Agreement between Infrastructure managers is signed and EU funding secured. Management Board, working groups and other bodies are created for the administration of the corridor. Market, Capacity and Bottleneck studies are conducted.

  • 2019+

    Corridor Amber is officially fully operational. Timetable offers are published for each year. Working groups and management bodies cooperate in order to increase the efficiency of the corridor operation and to implement new solutions. Meetings with Railway undertakings and Terminals under the RAG/TAG Umbrella are held to better understand market needs and foster cooperation. Corridor work is ongoing.


Total 461 276 euro (2021 – 2024). EU funding from the CEF call was finalised in 2022.

Financing sources:
National funding
Other EU funding

The Corridor has applied for new EU funding, with Lump sum A paid out in 2022. Any calculated differences to be covered by the Member States as per Cost Sharing Agreement.