Via Carpatia

submitted by Poland

Year registered: 2018
Status:Activity Reported
3SI countries proposing the project:


Participating 3SI countries:

Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

Partner countries:

Turkey, Ukraine

* not part of the 3Seas Initiative
Main objectives:

Construction of most of the main section of the Via Carpatia route within the extended core TEN-T network (Baltic Sea – Black Sea – Aegean Sea Corridor)

Short description:

Via Carpatia is a route running on the North-South axis between the Baltic, Aegean, Black and Adriatic Seas, thus embedding into the process of advancing economic and territorial cohesion of the European Union, and contributing to the social and economic development of the Central and Southern Europe.

Section in Poland to be completed in 2027. Total length: 712 km of the main route. Of these 282,5 km are completed, 257,9 km are under construction, 171,6 km are under tender and preparation.

Contact person:

Mr. Igor Szydłowski, Counselor, Department of Public Roads, Ministry of Infrastructure, Tel. +48 22 630 11 80, email:;

Calendar of implementation:
  • 2024

    Expressway S61 PL/LT border – Budzisko – Suwałki – Augustów – Ełk – 92,9 km completed

  • 2023

    Expressway S16 Ełk – Dobrzyniewo – 76 km under preparation

  • 2023

    Expressway S19 Dobrzyniewo – Białystok (Choroszcz) – Lublin – 185 km under construction, 83,4 km under preparation

  • 2023

    o Expressway S19 Lublin by-pass – 20 km completed

  • 2023

    Expressway S19 Lublin – Rzeszów – 148,7 km completed

  • 2023

    Motorway A4 Rzeszów Wschód – Rzeszów Zachód – 10,9 km completed

  • 2023

    Expressway S19 Rzeszów – Barwinek – PL/SK border – 10,7 km completed, 73 km under construction; 11,7 km in tender


6.5 billion euro for Poland.

Lack of relevant data from project implementing countries.

Financing sources:
National funding
Other sources

6.5 billion euro for Poland. 100% are reserved in the Polish Governmental National Road Construction Program until 2030 (with a perspective until 2033).

Relevant data from implementing countries should be obtained in those countries directly.